Tuesday, July 3, 2007

June? What June?

For you handful of faithful readers.... No, we've not given up on WaterDivas!

June was, shall we say, absolutelypositively, crazy busy!

I think I can safely speak for Jodi here too. We don't want to do June over, no sir!

Jodi & her husband bought a house and scurried to get their house ready & on the market. I think she could really use a river trip!

My hubby & I broke ground for our new business. I could never have imagined the blood, sweat, and tears that we were going to put into this! The building frame is up now, and within a week we'll be installing the steel siding.

Jodi & I have been able to do a little bit of paddling here & there, but not nearly as much as either of us would normally choose!

I will say that we had a most awesome day on the river back in early June. We spent the day on the lower Red Cedar with a great group! Our new-found paddling companions, Dorothy & Kathy, joined us again. As did Sue, and a new Diva, Carol, complete with her PokeBoat! What a great time we had. We enjoyed an island lunch, and a fun wrap up at a Colfax park, where we enjoyed a cold beverage & a bunch of laughs. Carol said it all with, "people from Iowa should not be allowed to run the rapids in a canoe!" While most of you are saying "huh?", I know that Jodi is chuckling, and some of you are nodding "yup". This will go down in Diva history as a memorable moment. Thanks Carol!

I'm going to include a slideshow from that day, but before I do, I want to remind all of you WaterDivas to mark your calendar for July 21st. We are planning a full day paddle down the Bois Brule. Now if you haven't done this before, let me just say that you will be in for a paddling treat if you come along! The river alone is one of the most enjoyable in our area. When you finish up your trip floating around a bend and a cool breeze washes over you and the horizon opens up before you, you realize what you're seeing is the beautiful & powerful Lake Superior. It is really an awesome experience. I sure hope you'll join us! Email us for more details: waterdivas@gmail.com

Here's that slideshow of the Red Cedar trip.

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