Tuesday, March 20, 2007

2006 Adventure Diary

After a mind-numbing, learn-as-you-go session with some new software, I present to you a video diary of trips I've made over the years. I hope to produce one for 2007 as well, as we have some great trips lined up. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

Thank you, Tammy,

That was absolutely awesome.

Just happened to visit your blog in one spare moment following this unusually stressful day, and your beautiful video and music was just what my soul was searching for.

Yes, I would care to join you.


Jodi said...

Can't watch that too many times!

Hey, once I get that new camera, I can be secretary/photographer. ;)

Tammy said...

I've read that you should offer to take a photo of the trip photographer. After all, she went everywhere you did!

I'm thrilled that you will be along, and part of that is because you take such awesome pics! And you go when no one else will, and you don't need all the latest/greatest gear to enjoy the sport, and well, you get the point : )

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